How much will it cost to redo your flooring, and how far can you stretch a dollar in the process? There isn’t just one simple answer – many different factors can impact your estimate. However, we’ve put together a few pieces of the puzzle to help you get into the right ballpark when budgeting ahead.
Square Footage Matters
No matter what type of flooring you’ve chosen for your home, it is typically sold and priced per square foot. So, the biggest factor in your cost for floor replacement is the overall size of the areas being refloored. For example, if you have a room that’s 12’ x 12’ the square footage is 144. You will need to add an extra 5-10% of material. As flooring is installed, it will need to be cut to fit the exact area and layout which causes waste and can require using that extra material.
A 10% overage should also leave you with a little bit of extra flooring after your project is complete, which is nice to keep in storage in case any is ever needed for a repair. Sometimes it’s not possible to reorder pieces years down the road, so having that extra is a real bonus.
Design Choices
The cost of flooring varies greatly depending on your specific design choices. Whether you’re installing carpet, ceramic tile, hardwood, or laminate there is a wide price range in every category. The most budget friendly flooring starts around $2 per square foot. That would be the least expensive options in carpet, tile, or vinyl. The ranges for high end flooring can be well over $12 per square foot.
This truly is all about what flooring option, or combination of options, you choose. For example, it might be beneficial to choose a carpet at a lower price point for the bedrooms in order to focus your budget on the main living areas.
Work With an Expert
Installation costs will also need to be factored in to find your total budget. Working with flooring experts like us can help to simplify the installation and purchase process for you. We’ll sit down with you to discuss your goals for your project as well as your budget. When we give you our proposal it will include your chosen flooring, overage needed, as well as installation costs.
If you are ready to upgrade your flooring, give us a call today or request an estimate directly from our website.