Carpet has suffered some bad buzz over the past several years, but the reputation for being inherently dirty isn’t fair. Of course, all floors get dirty over time. Keeping carpets clean isn’t any more complicated than hardwoods or tile – just different.
Vacuuming May Suck, But It’s Worth It
It seems simple, but the most important thing you should do to maintain your carpet’s life is vacuum regularly. Once a week for most areas is enough, but twice in any high traffic areas is recommended. If dirt is allowed to settle into carpet it can cause damage to the backing over time. Having a good vacuum cleaner – with attachments for stairs if you have them – makes this chore easier. Ideally you should also steam clean carpeted areas about once every six months. This pulls out any lingering stains and stubborn dirt to help prevent premature wear and tear.
Every Mishap Deserve Fast Action
Accidents are going to happen – spills, snags, stains. The sooner you address them the less likely they are to cause permanent damage to your carpet. If you see a snag don’t pull on it! It’s a bit like unraveling a sweater. Instead, trim it as close to the base as you can with a sharp pair of scissors. Any spills should be dabbed up from the outside in to absorb as much as possible without allowing it to spread. If you have a stain, saturating it with a cleaner is the first step to removing it. Club soda really does work – that’s not just an old wives’ tale. Then treat it like a spill and dab it away – you might need to repeat it more than once to get out a stubborn stain.
If you’re still unsure about keeping your carpet let us know. We can walk you through the options.